Transform your parking lot with our expert striping services! As leading parking lot striping contractors, we specialize in delivering clean, precise, and timely striping and restriping solutions that fit your budget. Our services go beyond just painting lines—we also offer stenciling, specialty pavement markings, wheel stops, and fire lane striping to enhance the functionality and appearance of your lot. Need to update outdated markings? We provide efficient line removal services to meet your new requirements. Let us make a lasting impression with a parking lot that stands out!
At Icon, we take pride in delivering top-notch pressure washing services with a focus on quality, expertise, and punctuality. Our skilled team is dedicated to transforming your property with precision and care, ensuring every surface is thoroughly cleaned and restored. With years of experience under our belt, we bring both knowledge and skill to every job, no matter the size. We understand the importance of timeliness, so you can count on us to show up when we say we will. Above all, we prioritize the environment by using only eco-friendly, safe cleaning products, so you can feel confident that your property and the planet are in good hands.
We specialize in providing high-quality commercial pressure washing services that businesses can rely on. With a team of experienced professionals, we bring unmatched expertise to every project, delivering thorough, efficient cleaning solutions for a wide range of commercial properties. We understand the importance of maintaining a clean, professional appearance, which is why we are committed to punctuality and ensuring minimal disruption to your operations. Our environmentally safe cleaning products guarantee a deep clean while protecting both your property and the planet. Trust us to elevate the look of your business with outstanding results every time.
We specialize in fleet vehicle pressure washing, offering reliable and efficient cleaning services for businesses with multiple vehicles. Our expert team understands the importance of maintaining a clean fleet to uphold your company’s professional image. We combine years of experience with the latest equipment to deliver a thorough, high-quality clean for every vehicle, whether it's a few or an entire fleet. Punctuality is key, and we ensure that your vehicles are cleaned on time without disrupting your operations. Plus, we use environmentally safe cleaning products, so you can rest assured that both your fleet and the planet are in good hands.
Discover the simplicity of pristine windows with Icon services. Our expert team is dedicated to enhancing your space—whether it's a charming home, a small business, or a large commercial building. With Icon, you’re not just booking a service; you're ensuring your windows stay spotless and clear, season after season. Whether you need regular cleanings every few weeks/months or just an annual touch-up, we’re here to provide hassle-free, reliable service, so you can enjoy the view without the work.
Icon Gutter Cleaning specialists will clear out dirt and debris from your gutters, ensuring your downspouts are working properly to protect your home or business from water damage caused by heavy rainfall or snow. Gutter cleaning is a vital maintenance task for every property owner. Skip the hassle and leave it to the experts at Icon. With years of experience, our team uses the most effective tools and techniques to get the job done efficiently, safeguarding your property against potential water damage.
At our company, we’re committed to providing a superior clean with an eco-friendly twist! We exclusively use non-toxic, eco-friendly cleaning solutions for all our pressure washing services, ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and the entire GTA environment. Unlike traditional cleaning products that rely on harmful chemicals, our green approach delivers a spotless finish while protecting what matters most. Choose us for a cleaner, healthier property and a more sustainable future—because when you clean with us, you clean with care!
Quality is at the core of everything we do, whether we're cleaning residential properties, commercial spaces, or fleet vehicles. Our skilled team is committed to delivering exceptional results, using top-of-the-line equipment and techniques to ensure every surface is thoroughly cleaned and restored. We take great pride in our attention to detail, ensuring that each job—big or small—meets the highest standards of quality.
We understand that our customers lead busy lives, which is why we are committed to being available 24/7 to cater to your needs at any time, day or night. Whether it's an urgent request or simply fitting into your hectic schedule, we are here to provide seamless service whenever you need it. Our round-the-clock availability ensures that no matter how busy you are, you can rely on us to be there, offering the support, expertise, and solutions you require, when it’s most convenient for you. With us, you can rest assured knowing that your needs are always a priority, no matter the time of day.
At Icon, we’re proud to keep building our reputation for quality and trust by making your property look its absolute best. With years of experience and a true passion for what we do, we’re all about delivering top-notch pressure washing services that leave lasting results. We’re committed to giving your space that extra shine, making sure it’s always inviting and polished. Let us help enhance your property’s appeal – we’ve got you covered!
Water Pressure: Uses high-pressure water (up to 4,000 PSI) to remove dirt, grime, mold, and other debris from hard surfaces.
Best For: Sturdy, durable surfaces like concrete, brick, and asphalt driveways, patios, and some siding types.
Effectiveness: Quickly removes tough stains and large debris, making it ideal for surfaces that can handle strong pressure.
Risk: High pressure can damage softer or more delicate surfaces like wood, shingles, or paint if not used properly.
Water Pressure: Uses a much lower pressure (typically under 500 PSI) combined with specialized cleaning solutions to gently remove contaminants.
Best For: Delicate surfaces like painted siding, roofs, windows, and wood decks.
Effectiveness: Cleans effectively without the risk of surface damage, using detergents and biocides to break down dirt, algae, mold, and mildew.
Risk: Less risk of damage compared to pressure washing, but still requires proper technique to avoid streaking or residue.
We guarantee a great experience, but don't take our word for it, check out the reviews below from previous customers.
Icon was fantastic to work with. They were friendly and professional. I plan to use them from now on!
Commercial Customer
Arrived early. Did a great job. My 45 year old house looks brand new. Paid extra for my patio which also looks brand new. Would highly recommend
Residential Customer
The guys were very friendly & professional. They did an amazing job & the house looks great. Thank you for a great experience & job.
Residential Customer